Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Read what Donald Trump did to Samuel L. Jackson

Donald Trump made Samuel L. Jackson a dues-paying member at one of his clubs without telling him. 
Samuel L. Jackson tells quite the tale to United Airlines' Rhapsody magazine, involving The Donald and a bill he recently got in the mail.

"Last week or so, I actually got a bill from Trump National Golf Club," Jackson said. "And I haven't been there in four or five years, so I had my assistant call. They said it was for membership dues. And I said, 'I'm not a member,' and they said, 'Yeah, you are -- you have a member number.' Apparently he'd made me a member of one of his golf clubs, and I didn’t even know it!"

Is Trump that hard up for members? This might be the most angry Jackson has been since this scene in "A Time To Kill."
The actor also didn't hold back when it came to talking about Trump and the "C"-word when asked if he's a better golfer.

"Oh, I am for sure. I don’t cheat."

As for the bill, Jackson added, "I'm not payin' that!"

We're going to assume that's a vote Trump won't be getting, either.

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