Tuesday, May 17, 2016

See what you shouldn't eat before going to bed at night

Getting a good night’s sleep is related to a good health and if you don't have a sufficient or sound night rest may hinder your well being.
Below are foods you should not eat before going to bed.
Skip the late-night cup of caffeinated drink. This one is not a shocker, but it bears repeating.
A good night’s sleep requires a specific formula for success, which can vary from person to person. There are, however, certain foods you should avoid such as caffeine-containing foods or beverages. Keep your caffeine intake to 200 to 300 mg per day and avoid it close to bedtime.
And don’t forget caffeine is not only lurking in your latte: It can also be found in chocolate, energy drinks, soft drinks, and tea.

Chocolate Of Any Kind
Many people don’t realize that chocolate is actually a source of caffeine, which is the last thing that you want to do before bed. If you wouldn’t want to have a cup of coffee and then go to bed, you should leave the chocolate alone for the same reason.

A “nightcap” may seem like a good idea, but in reality you’ll be messing with the restorative functions of sleep. Even if you do get some rest, it will hardly be the quality sleep that we need to function the next day.

Basically, a bowl of cereal is a great way to get your body started off right in the morning. The issue with having a bowl before bed, however, is that it contains so much sugar and so many carbohydrates that your body will have no chance to truly rest to allow you to get some sleep.

Red Meat
A big, juicy steak may be delicious, but it’s hardly the best thing to eat right before bed. Red meat will kick your body’s natural processes into overtime and will make it incredibly difficult to get the type of deep sleep that you really need after a hard day at work.

Ice Cream
This is another snacking option that may seem convenient, but in reality is a bad idea. Ice cream is a very high source of both fat and sugar and you’re not giving your body the chance it needs to burn off any of these elements before you go to bed, which will lead to weight gain.

Chili is not only filled with carbohydrates, but it’s also high in calories by its very nature. Not only will you not get the type of sleep you need if you have a bowl at night, but you’ll also be adding weight-­related issues into the mix at the same time.

Pasta is one of the best foods to eat if you’re hungry because a little bit goes a long way. The issue with eating pasta late at night, however, is that it’s such a fatty food that it will almost certainly lead to weight gain while you sleep. The carbohydrates in pasta turn to fat pretty quickly, so if you’re trying to eat healthy at night you’ll definitely want to look elsewhere.

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