Tuesday, July 21, 2015

President Buhari to name cabinet in September

 President Muhammadu Buhari will not appoint his cabinet until September, more than three months after taking office, he wrote in an article, explaining that he needed time to root out corruption before naming his ministers. Read below.....

"Nigeria must first put new rules of conduct and good governance in place," Buhari wrote in the Washington Post on Monday, confirming speculation that the cabinet would not be appointed before September.

But Buhari, who met U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday as part of a four-day visit to Washington, said he had good reason to bide his time.
"When cabinet ministers are appointed in September, it will be some months after I took the oath of office," he wrote, adding that it would have been neither "prudent nor serve the interests of sound government" to have made appointments sooner.
Boko Haram has killed thousands of people in a six-year insurgency, during which it has attempted to set up a state imposing strict Islamic law in the northeast of Nigeria, Africa's top oil exporter and most populous nation.
Following their talks, Obama said Buhari had a "clear agenda" for defeating the militants and tackling corruption.
Since taking office, Buhari has replaced his defense chiefs and dissolved the board of the state oil company, but not appointed a cabinet.
In his article, Buhari said people in positions of power under previous administrations had been able to plunder state coffers with impunity.
"The fact that I now seek Obama's assistance in locating and returning $150 billion in funds stolen in the past decade and held in foreign bank accounts on behalf of former, corrupt officials is testament to how badly Nigeria has been run," he wrote.

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