Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Zimbabwe evacuates citizens from South Africa

The first batch of Zimbabweans fleeing xenophobic attacks in South Africa arrived at Beitbridge Border Post last night with harrowing tales of how they narrowly escaped death and witnessed some people being killed.

Mr Climate Mushanga of Zaka said he had to flee, leaving behind his South African wife and two children after watching his cousin being beheaded.

"It seemed that the South African Police were laughing while my relative was being killed. We were only helped by the Metro Police who took us to a camp where other Zimbabweans were. As a result, I left my wife whose life I don't fear for because she is South African. I fear for the lives of my children because these people were ruthless."
Mr Daniel Sungai (46) showed his hand which was injured as he blocked a knife from rowdy South African gangsters.
"I ran for my life and mobilised other Zimbabweans so that we could fight back, but we were overpowered because they outnumbered us, so we ended up giving up and running back to Zimbabwe with our lives," he said.
"I lost my money and cellphone during the scuffle. I will never return to that country again."
Ms Margaret Dhambuza of Chiredzi said she fled her home after she was sold off by her neighbours.
"The South Africans were making rounds in the Chatsworth area of Durban hunting for foreigners to kill and when I heard about it, I took my two children and went to the highway where I was rescued by the police," she said.
Ms Brenda Mavenge, also of Chiredzi, said her house was destroyed and her husband was thoroughly beaten.
"They travelled in groups armed with knives, knobkerries, machetes and guns," she said. "I suspect we were sold off by our neighbours. Those people are ruthless. We watched some children being beaten and being thrown in storm drains full of water. I will never go back to that country again although my husband remained."

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