Friday, March 13, 2015

Tell Nigerians Your Stance On Same Sex Marriage- PDP dares, APC

Fani Kayode at it again… in a statement yesterday the asked the APC to tell Nigerians their stand on the proposed sane sex marriage, which was turned down by Pres. Goodluck Jonathan. Read his press statement below.

According to Fani Kayode, this was more important to Nigerians than the issues that had been raised as a consequence of Morocco’s withdrawal of their Ambassador from Nigeria. Fani-Kayode said: “It is very unfortunate that rather than join hands with the Federal Government and endeavor to stand shoulder to shoulder with their compatriots and their country when it comes to the conduct of international affairs, the APC are always ready to assume the worst about their government and about their President. “Our counsel to them is to grow up, get real and stop playing politics with such sensitive matters that border on the interest and credibility of our nation and our people.

“If they want a clarification about the Moroccan affair, they ought to go through the appropriate channels and perhaps attempt to reach our Foreign Minister in order to find out what really happened. “That is the proper and responsible thing to do. They do not need to make a song and dance about the whole thing and they certainly should not try to gain political mileage out of it or join forces with those from outside our shores that do not wish Nigeria or the Nigerian people well.

“We are fully aware of their obvious and pronounced intellectual limitations when it comes to such matters; yet, regardless of that, they must always endeavor to remember that we are, first and foremost, Nigerians and regardless of whichever side of the political divide we find ourselves or whichever political party we belong to, we must always seek to protect our nation’s interest before anything else. “For the APC to even begin to assume that it is true that our President or any of our government officials lied in this episode with the King of Morocco and for them to so readily accept the suggestion that we have done anything wrong or that we have somehow misled our people about what actually transpired speaks volumes.

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