Friday, February 12, 2016

Deploying ground troops to Syria may unleash world war, Russia warns Saudi Arabia

Russia on Thursday night warned of “a new world war” in Syria after Persian Gulf states threatened to send in ground forces to the conflict.

Foreign and defence ministers of the leading nations backing different factions in Syria met in Munich and Brussels Thursday following the collapse of the latest round of peace talks.

Both Russia and the United States demanded ceasefires in the civil war so the fight could be concentrated against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, but each nation on its own, conflicting, terms.

The Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, staged their own intervention, saying they were committed to sending in ground troops. Their favoured rebel groups have been badly hit by Russian air raids and driven back by Iranian-supplied pro-regime troops. They said their declared target was Isil.

But the presence of troops from Gulf states which have funded the Syrian rebels would be taken as a hostile act by the Assad regime and its backers, and a sign that they were staking their claim to a say in the final settlement.

Russia issued a stark warning of the potential consequences.

“The Americans and our Arab partners must think well: Do they want a permanent war?” Dmitry Medvedev, the prime minister, told Germany’s Handelsblatt newspaper. “It would be impossible to win such a war quickly, especially in the Arab world, where everybody is fighting against everybody.

“All sides must be compelled to sit at the negotiating table instead of unleashing a new world war.”

Russia and the U.S. clashed over their demands for a ceasefire. Washington called for an immediate end to the fighting, but diplomats said Russia had suggested March 1, which the Americans say would leave the Russians another two weeks to achieve their military goals.

The rebels, whose main negotiators have been touring Europe in the wake of the collapse of the Geneva peace talks and the renewed assault on Aleppo, say a ceasefire can only happen in conjunction with a negotiated “political transition” — something which looks ever more unlikely in light of regime victories on the ground.

Under the United Nations security council resolution passed in December, any ceasefire would automatically exclude ISIL, the local al-Qaeda branch Jabhat al-Nusra, which operates throughout rebel territory, and other UN-designated terrorist groups.

Since these are being struck by both the United States and Russia, as well as the regime, the terms of the resolution mean that the only group that would have to stop fighting under the terms of a ceasefire would be the “moderate rebels” backed by the West.

This they are unlikely to do voluntarily.

Saudi Arabia is said to be furious that their main regional rival, Iran, has been allowed to consolidate its power bases in both Iraq and Syria because of the civil wars in both countries and under the cover of an international air campaign supposedly targeting ISIL.

Its defence ministry spokesman, Brig Gen Ahmed al-Assiri, said its decision to send ground troops to Syria was “irreversible”.

The kingdom, along with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, is offering to provide the troops the United States-led coalition are needed to take on ISIL on the ground under coalition air cover.

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