Saturday, March 21, 2015

Forbes: 5 signs you have become a talent Hoarder

I’m all for collecting great talent for your organization, but what happens when you go from selectively accumulating talent to talent hoarder? Here are 5 signs that indicate you’ve become a talent hoarder and why this isn’t necessarily a good thing.
1. You never recommend your people for a promotion in another department. You’ve worked hard to find great people and you’ve invested blood, sweat and tears into their development. Why do all this work and have someone else receive all the benefits?
You are looking at things from the wrong perspective. You are doing the job you are paid to do. You are developing a team of talented superstars for your company. Nothing will further your own career more rapidly than to be known as the person in the organization that does an outstanding job of developing his or her own team. Great leaders consider what’s best for both the employee and the company and this usually means having to say goodbye (or perhaps just for now) to some of your best home grown talent.
2. You haven’t hired a new person for your department since the nineties. You are proud of the fact that your employee turnover rate is zero percent. You are breathing your own exhaust and it’s clouding your judgement.
Letting go of people who are ready to move on (or those who you believe should move on) is never easy. But it must be done. Then, open your doors widely and welcome new talent in. The fresh air will do you good.
3. You’ve become The Hotel California.People are welcome to transfer into your group, but everyone knows that once they do so, they can never leave.
An unspoken rule like this can have a severe impact on your ability to hire experienced workers from other parts of the organization. Perhaps it’s time to change your management slogan to something more comforting like Homewood Suites, “Make Yourself at Home.” People will soon see that they are free to come and go as they please.
4. Some of your best people are hidden in the bowels of your organization. You’ve done an outstanding job of building your organization. Perhaps a little bit too outstanding, as you can no longer pinpoint where the talent is located. Therefore, you keep hiring people with similar skills.

The only way to really declutter your organization is to take everything out and closely examine what you’ve got. Set aside time to reacquaint yourself with your team. This will prevent you from bringing in more of the same people, yet again, when you already have what you need on staff.
5. You refuse to fully develop your people for fear they will go somewhere else.What if you don’t develop them and they decide to stay?
One of the top things today’s workers seek from their employers is development. You have a choice. You can give it to them or you can watch, as they depart your organization, for one that is fully committed to their development.

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